
Bahrain 2002 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents

Chapter II. Basic Constituents of Society

Article 4

Justice is the basis of government. Cooperation and mutual respect provide a firm bond between citizens. Freedom, equality, security, trust, knowledge, social solidarity and equality of opportunity for citizens are pillars of society guaranteed by the State.

Article 5

  1. The family is the basis of society, deriving its strength from religion, morality and love of the homeland. The law preserves its lawful entity, strengthens its bonds and values, under its aegis extends protection to mothers and children, tends the young and protects them from exploitation and safeguards them against moral, bodily and spiritual neglect. The State cares in particular for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the young.
  2. The State guarantees reconciling the duties of women towards the family with their work in society, and their equality with men in political, social, cultural, and economic spheres without breaching the provisions of Islamic canon law (Shari’a).
  3. The State guarantees the requisite social security for its citizens in old age, sickness, disability, orphanhood, widowhood or unemployment, and also provides them with social insurance and health care services. It strives to safeguard them against ignorance, fear and poverty.
  4. Inheritance is a guaranteed right governed by the Islamic Shari’a.

Article 6

The State safeguards the Arab and Islamic heritage. It contributes to the advancement of human civilization and strives to strengthen the bonds between the Islamic countries, and to achieve the aspirations of the Arab nation for unity and progress.

Article 7

  1. The State sponsors the sciences, humanities and the arts, and encourages scientific research. The State also guarantees educational and cultural services to its citizens. Education is compulsory and free in the early stages as specified and provided by law. The necessary plan to combat illiteracy is laid down by law.
  2. The law regulates care for religious and national instruction in the various stages and forms of education, and at all stages is concerned to develop the citizen’s personality and his pride in his Arabism.
  3. Individuals and bodies may establish private schools and universities under the supervision of the state and in accordance with the law.
  4. The State guarantees the inviolability of the places of learning.

Article 8

  1. Every citizen is entitled to health care. The State cares for public health and the State ensures the means of prevention and treatment by establishing a variety of hospitals and health care institutions.
  2. Individuals and bodies may establish private hospitals, clinics or treatment centers under the supervision of the State in accordance with the law.

Article 9

  1. Ownership, capital and work—in accordance with the principles of Islamic justice— are basic constituents of the social entity of the State and the national wealth, and are all individual rights with a social function regulated by law.
  2. Public funds are inviolate, and it is the duty of every citizen to protect them.
  3. Private ownership is protected. No one shall be prevented from disposing of his property within the limits of the law. No one shall be dispossessed of his property except for the public good in the cases specified and the manner stated by law and provided that he is fairly compensated.
  4. Public expropriation of funds is prohibited, and private expropriation shall be a penalty only by judicial ruling in the cases prescribed by law.
  5. The relationship between the owners of land and real estate and their tenants shall be regulated by law on economic principles while observing social justice.
  6. The State shall endeavor to provide housing for citizens with limited income.
  7. The State shall make the necessary arrangements to ensure the exploitation of land suitable for productive farming, and shall strive to raise the standards of farmers. The law lays down how small farmers are to be helped and how they can own their land.
  8. The State shall take the necessary measures for the protection of the environment and the conversation of wildlife.

Article 10

  1. The national economy is based on social justice, and it is strengthened by fair cooperation between public and private business. Its objective, within the limits of the law, is economic development according to a well-ordered plan and achievement of prosperity for the citizens, all within the bounds of the law.
  2. The State endeavors to achieve the economic union of the Gulf Cooperation Council states and the states of the Arab League, and everything that leads to rapproachment, cooperation, coordination and mutual assistance among them.

Article 11

All natural wealth and resources are State property. The State shall safeguard them and exploit them properly, while observing the requirements of the security of the State and of the national economy.

Article 12

The State guarantees the common liability of society in bearing the burdens arising from public disasters and ordeals, and for compensating those affected by war damage or as a result of performing their military duties.

Article 13

  1. Work is the duty of every citizen, is required by personal dignity and is dictated by the public good. Every citizen has the right to work and to choose the type of work within the bounds of public order and decency.
  2. The State guarantees the provision of job opportunities for its citizens and the fairness of work conditions.
  3. Compulsory work cannot be imposed on any person except in the cases specified by law for national exigency and for a fair consideration, or pursuant to a judicial ruling.
  4. The law regulates the relationship between employees and employers on economic basis while observing social justice.

Article 14

The State encourages cooperation and saving, and supervises the regulation of credit.

Article 15

  1. Taxes and public costs are based on social justice, and their payment is a duty under the law.
  2. The law regulates exemption of low incomes from taxes in order to ensure that a minimum standard of living is safeguarded.

Article 16

  1. Public jobs are a national service entrusted to their incumbents, and State employees shall have the public interest in mind when performing their jobs. Foreigners shall not be entrusted with public posts except in those cases specified by law.
  2. Citizens are equal in the assumption of public posts in accordance with the conditions specified by law.