
Difference Between Anglicans and Lutherans

Difference Between Anglicans and Lutherans

Anglicans and Lutherans share some similarities, such as their Protestant roots and use of sacraments, but differ in their authority, church structure, worship, and social stances. Anglicans have a more progressive hierarchical structure, while Lutherans are more conservative and decentralised.

Who are Anglicans?

Anglicans are members of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide association of churches in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Anglican Communion is rooted in the Church of England, established in the 16th century during the English Reformation. Anglicans believe in the Holy Trinity and the authority of the Bible. They also uphold the traditional Christian creeds, including the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. Anglicans worship using a variety of liturgies, some of which are based on the Book of Common Prayer.

The Anglican Communion comprises 41 provinces, which are spread across the globe. Each section is led by a primate, which is typically an archbishop. Anglicans are known for their commitment to social justice and community service, and their theology emphasises the importance of faith and reason. Regarding doctrine and practice, Anglicanism is often seen as a middle ground between Protestantism and Catholicism. While Anglicans share some beliefs and practices with Roman Catholics, such as the use of sacraments and the importance of apostolic succession, they also hold to some of the distinctively Protestant doctrines, such as the priesthood of all believers and the importance of scripture.

Who are Lutherans?

Lutherans are members of a Protestant Christian denomination that traces its roots back to the teachings of the German theologian and monk Martin Luther. Lutherans believe that salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ alone and that the Bible is the only authoritative source of Christian doctrine. Lutheranism began in the early 16th century when Luther posted his “Ninety-Five Theses” on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, which criticised the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church. This sparked the Protestant Reformation, which led to the establishment of many new Protestant denominations, including Lutheranism.

Lutherans are organised into synods, congregations that share common beliefs and practices. The largest Lutheran denomination in the world is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which has over 3.3 million members. Lutherans believe in the sacraments of baptism and communion, and many Lutheran churches use liturgies based on the Book of Common Prayer. They also emphasise the importance of preaching and the role of music in worship. Overall, Lutherans are known for their emphasis on grace, the priesthood of all believers, and their commitment to social justice and community service.

Difference Between Anglicans and Lutherans

The Protestant Reformation and sacraments unite Anglicans and Lutherans. There are also some significant differences:


Anglicans base their faith and practice on the Bible, church tradition, and council and bishop decisions. The Bible is the sole authority for Lutherans.


Both denominations practice baptism and communion, but their views differ. Lutherans view the Eucharist as symbolic, while Anglicans believe Christ is present. Lutherans usually baptise infants, but Anglicans may not.

Church Hierarchy

The Archbishop of Canterbury leads the worldwide Anglican communion. Lutherans have more congregational autonomy.

Social Issues

Anglicans are more liberal on LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality than Lutherans.

Anglicans and Lutherans have different histories, traditions, and theologies.