
Niger 2010 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents


Section 1. Of the general orientations of the policy of development

Article 146

The action of the State in matters of the policies of economic and social development is supported by a strategic vision.

The State makes of the creation of wealth, of growth and of the fight against inequality a major axis of its interventions.

The public policies must promote food supply [alimentaire] sovereignty, durable development, the access to all to social services as well as the improvement of the quality of life.

Article 147

The State submits itself [s’attèlle] to develop its energy potential in view of achieving energy sovereignty, [and] access to energy and to build a dynamic and competitive industrial, mining, oil and a gas sector, oriented to satisfy the national necessities and the requirements of development.

The companies operating in Niger are required to employ, as a priority, Nigerien personnel and to allow their accession to all employments, in relation to their capacities according to the laws in force.

Section 2. Of the exploitation and the administration of the natural resources and of the subsoil

Article 148

The natural resources and the subsoil are the property of the Nigerien people.

The law determines the conditions of their prospecting, their exploitation and their administration.

Article 149

The State exercises its sovereignty over the natural resources and the subsoil.

The exploitation and the administration of the natural resources and of the subsoil must be done with transparency and taking into account the protection of the environment, [and] the cultural heritage as well as the preservation of the interests of present and future generations.

Article 150

The contracts for prospecting and exploitation the natural resources and the subsoil as well as the revenues paid [versés] to the State, disaggregated, company by company, are completely [intégralement] published in the Journal Officiel of the Republic of Niger.

Article 151

The State assures itself of the effective implementation of the contracts for prospecting and for exploitation granted.

Article 152

The receipts realized on the natural resources and on the subsoil are divided between the budget of the State and the budgets of the territorial collectivities according to the law.

Article 153

The State sees to invest in the priority domains, notably agriculture, animal husbandry, health and education, and to the creation of a fund for future generations.

Section 3. Of the Economical, Social and Cultural Council [Conseil économique, social et culturel (CESOC)]

Article 154

The Economical, Social and Cultural Council assists the President of the Republic and the National Assembly.

It gives its opinion on the questions referred to it by the President of the Republic or by the National Assembly.

It is competent to examine the bills and the proposals of law of economic, social and cultural character, excluding the laws of finance.

Article 155

An organic law establishes the attributions, the composition, the organization and the functioning of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council.