
Niger 2010 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents


Article 164

The territorial administration is based [repose] on the principles of decentralization and deconcentration.

The territorial collectivities are created by an organic law. They administered themselves freely by elected councils.

The law determines the fundamental principles of the freedom of administration of the territorial collectivities, their competences and their resources.

Article 165

The State sees to the harmonious development of all the territorial collectivities on the basis of national solidarity, social justice, regional potentialities and interregional equilibrium.

The representative of the State sees to the respect for the national interests.

Article 166

The ordinary courts of first instance [tribunaux de grande instance], in special form [formation], decide on the eligibility of the candidates, control the regularity, the transparency and the sincerity of the local elections. They proclaim the results.

The recourses against the decisions in electoral matters of the ordinary courts of first instance are introduced before the Council of the State that decides in last resort.

Article 167

The State recognizes the traditional leadership [chefferie] as the depositary of customary authority. As such, it participates in the administration of the territory of the Republic in the conditions determined by the law.

The traditional leadership is held to a strict obligation of neutrality and reserve. It is protected against any abuse of power tending to divert it from the role conferred on it by the law.