
Guinea 2010 Constitution


By its vote of 28 September 1958, the People of Guinea opted for freedom and constituted, [on] 2 October 1958, a sovereign State: THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA;

Drawing [tirant] the lessons from their past and from the political changes intervening since then;



Their adhesion to the ideals and principles, rights and duties established in the Charter of the Organization of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man, the International Conventions and Pacts relative to the Rights of Man, the constitutive Act of the African Union, the African Charter of the Rights of Man and of Peoples and its additional protocols relative to the rights of women, as well as the revised Treaty of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) [Communauté Économique des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO)] and its protocols on democracy and good governance.


  • Their willingness to edify within the unity and the national cohesion, a State of Law and of Pluralist Democracy.
    Their willingness to promote the good governance and to fight resolutely against corruption and economic crimes. These crimes are imprescriptible.

    Their willingness to establish relations of amity and of cooperation with all the Peoples of the world on the basis of the principles of equality, of respect for the national sovereignty, for the territorial integrity and for the reciprocal interest;

    Their attachment to the cause of the African unity, of the sub-regional and regional integration of the continent.

Free to determine their institutions, the People of Guinea adopts this Constitution.