
Jordan 1952 Constitution (reviewed 2016)

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 2. Rights and Duties of Jordanians

Article 5

Jordanian nationality shall be defined by law.

Article 6


Jordanians shall be equal before the law with no discrimination between them in rights and duties even if they differ in race, language or religion.

  1. The defence of the country, its territory, the unity of its people and the preservation of social peace are sacred duty of every Jordanian.
  2. The State shall ensure work and education within the limits of its possibilities, and shall ensure tranquility and equal opportunities to all Jordanians.
  3. The family is the basis of society the core of which shall be religion, morals and patriotism; the law shall preserve its legitimate entity and strengthen its ties and values.
  4. The law shall protect motherhood, childhood and the old-aged; and shall avail care for the youngsters and those with disabilities and protect them against abuse and exploitation.

Article 7

  1. Personal freedom shall be guaranteed.
  2. Every infringement on rights and public freedoms or the inviolability of the private life of Jordanians is a crime punishable by law.

Article 8

  1. No person may be seized, detained, imprisoned or the freedom thereof restricted except in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  2. Every person seized, detained, imprisoned or the freedom thereof restricted should be treated in a manner that preserves human dignity; may not be tortured, in any manner, bodily or morally harmed; and may not be detained in other than the places permitted by laws; and every statement uttered by any person under any torture, harm or threat shall not be regarded.

Article 9

  1. No Jordanian may be deported from the territory of the Kingdom.
  2. No Jordanian may be prohibited from residing at any place; be prevented from movement; or be compelled to reside in a specified place, except in the circumstances prescribed by law.

Article 10

Dwelling houses shall be inviolable and may not be entered except in the circumstances prescribed by law, and in the manner provided for therein.

Article 11

No property of any person shall be expropriated except for public utility and in consideration of a just compensation as shall be prescribed by law.

Article 12

Compulsory loans shall not be imposed and property, movable or immovable, shall not be confiscated except in accordance with the law.

Article 13

Compulsory labour shall not be imposed on any person, but pursuant to law, work or service may be imposed on any person:

  1. in a state of necessity, such as the state of war, the occurrence of a public danger, fire, flood, famine, earthquake, severe epidemic among humans or animals; or diseases of animals, insects, plants or any other similar disease, or in any other circumstances which might endanger the safety of the population, in whole or in part.
  2. as a result of the conviction thereof by a court, provided that the work or service is performed under the supervision of an official authority; and provided that the convicted person shall not be hired to any persons, companies, societies or any public body, or be placed at their disposal.

Article 14

The State shall safeguard the free exercise of the rites of religions and creeds in accordance with the customs observed in the Kingdom, if such is not inconsistent with public order or morality.

Article 15

  1. The State shall guarantee freedom of opinion; and every Jordanian shall freely express his opinion by speech, writing, photography and the other means of expression, provided that he does not go beyond the limits of the law.
  2. The State shall guarantee the freedom of scientific research and literary, technical, cultural and sports excellence provided that such does not violate the provisions of the law or public order and morality.
  3. The State shall guarantee the freedom of the press, printing, publication and information media within the limits of the law.
  4. Newspapers and information media may not be suspended nor the license thereof revoked except by a judicial order in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  5. In the event of the declaration of martial law or an emergency, the law may impose a limited censorship on newspapers, publications, books and information and communication media in matters related to public safety and national defence purposes.
  6. The law shall regulate the method of control of the resources of newspapers.

Article 16


Jordanians shall have the right to hold meetings within the limits of the law.

  1. Jordanians shall have the right to establish societies, unions and political parties provided their objective is lawful, their methods peaceful, and their by-laws not in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.
  2. The law shall regulate the manner of the establishment of societies, unions and political parties and the control of their resources.

Article 17

Jordanians shall have the right to address the public authorities on personal matters affecting them, or on what is relative to public affairs in the manner and conditions prescribed by law.

Article 18

All postal and telegraphic correspondence, telephonic communications, and the other communications means shall be regarded as secret and shall not be subject to censorship, viewing, suspension or confiscation except by a judicial order in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Article 19

Congregations shall have the right to establish and maintain their own schools for the education of their own members provided that they comply with the general provisions of the law and be subject to the Government control in their curricula and orientation.

Article 20

Basic education shall be compulsory for Jordanians and free of charge in Government schools.

Article 21


Political refugees shall not be extradited on account of their political principles or their defence of freedom.

  1. International agreements and laws shall regulate the extradition of ordinary criminals.

Article 22


Every Jordanian shall be entitled to hold public offices under the conditions prescribed in law or regulations.

  1. Appointment to public offices, whether permanent or temporary, in the State and the departments attached thereto and the municipalities shall be on the basis of merits and qualifications.

Article 23


Work is the right of all citizens, and the State shall avail it to Jordanians by directing and improving the national economy.

  1. The State shall protect labour and enact legislation therefor based on the following principles:
    1. Giving the worker a wage commensurate with the quantity and quality of his work.
    2. Defining weekly work hours and granting workers weekly and annual paid rest days.
    3. Specifying special compensation to workers supporting families and in the cases of dismissal, illness, disability and emergencies arising out of work.
    4. Establishing special conditions for the work of women and juveniles.
    5. Subjection of factories to health safeguards.
    6. Free trade union within the limits of the law.